Dedicated to the smallest bit of art making, in the smallest spare moments available.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Open Studios Spring 2007
Every Spring and Fall our studio building holds an open studio event. Friday night was our night. It was bittersweet. It was my last open studios there at the Hobbs building. I am moving studios in a few weeks, and after five years there, it is hard to leave. Here are a few shots of my studio space and some newer things that are in progress. I share part of my space with a friend of mine.
Naptime studios was conceived to inspire daily creativity if only for a few short minutes.
Maybe the creativity was in an activity done with the kids, or catching them in a moment of sheer joy.. What ever it is I want to capture those tiny moments and compile them here, where I can share them with anyone.
Make Art. Art of anykind.
This is where you get to follow the lives of Maxwell ('05) and Liam ('06). We are constantly amazed at all the joy these two little guys can bring into our lives each day!
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